Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Lod: a story of Arab and Ethiopian Israelis

Las night I listened to slam poetry in Hebrew, a drummed narrative of Israel's formation that had my heart in my throat and my blood pounding furiously, and a bizarre video/sung/spoken compilation including dancing tomatoes, fat men cavorting to psychedelic imagery, and a man with a blue beard playing the accordion. After that I went into an art museum, drew from a live model, walked to Kikar Rabin and had drinks across from the steps where he was assassinated.
Not to be outdone by the previous night, the next day was spent in Lod, the slum city of Israel. In the early hours of the morning, 17 weary/hungover students and 3 adult/chaperon figures boarded a bus for a suburb city of Tel Aviv near the airport. The girls had all been told to wear appropriate clothing, as it was a mainly Arab city. Appropriate clothing in this case included skirts below our knees, and covering our shoulders as well as some form of shawl to cover our hair, or elbows should the need arise. I find it ironic that this is the appropriate dress in Jerusalem as well or you are in danger of being stoned.
About 20 minutes after leaving the white silhouette of Tel Aviv we were in Lod. Lod can best be described as a slum. Something within you identifies these tall, uniformly ugly buildings as projects, and the air of furtive desolation adds a grimy slime to the morning. Yet Lod is an ancient city with building and a history that returns to the Bible and beyond.
As we disembarked the bus discomfort was a haze in the air around our group. We stood warily off to the side of the road behind our guide (whom we had just recently picked up off the side of the highway in a slightly shady meeting) and the program directors.
The feeling of wrongness only got worse as we walked through the graffitied and pitted building of Lod to a residential area where we meeting our first speaker, an Arab man who had been in Lod as a child when the Israeli soldiers took possession of it.
His house was a pleasant surprise after the heat and desolation of the streets. From the outside it appeared a bleakly walled compound indistinguishable from his neighbors, but inside we were greeted with a pleasantly cool courtyard to shelter us for the 90 degree heat present even at 10 in the morning.
It was shaded by small fruit trees and an overhanging attached to the house. The floors, a cool white marble, radiated a pleasing chill and the outside world seemed to fade away. He and his daughter had set up a circle of chairs around a small table and a lemon tree. On the table they had placed juices and cookies and as we sat our translator/guide explained that he wanted to express his apologies at not serving us, his guests, better food but it was Ramadan and unfortunately he could not.
I was surprised to see that he had laid out anything, seeing as in Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan it is illegal to eat, or drink or even have restaurants open during the day in the month of Ramadan. But we all tucked into the cookies (those who were hung over with slightly more relish behind their sunglasses) and settled in to listen to his story.

The Story of Lod:
Before Israel achieved independence in 1948 Lod was a primarily Arab town on the ancient pilgrimage path from the port of Jaffa to Jerusalem.
During the fight for independence Lod became an important strategic city as well as a place that the Arabs forced out of Jaffa and its surroundings fled too. Within a few days the population of Lod tripled swelled with refugees. When the Israeli troops took it they forced all of the Arab inhabitant out of their homes and set them walking on the roads towards Arab countries or Arab towns in what is now the West Bank.
It is known that the Israelis purposefully used the Arab refugees to clog the roads and hopefully block the armies coming from Jordan and the other Arab countries with a wall of living deterrents. But as this Arab man told the story of what he lived through as a young boy fleeing his city with no possessions on his back I could not help but see the similarities between his plight and that of the Jews just a few years before in Europe.
He told of slaughter in the Mosque where men had fled for safety, and of men women and children pushed out of their houses onto the road with no belongings or supplies, dying without water or food. And when they were finally allowed to return only a fraction of their lands were returned and only some of their citizenship's granted trapping parts of the family in refugee camps in other countries, and granting some Israeli citizenship, or the version of it that is granted to Arabs.
By the time he had finished telling his story and relating all the work he has done to try to integrate Lod and Arab Israeli citizens with larger Israel I could not help but feel that the centuries of built up grievances here were so misunderstood by the international community that there was little hope for peaceful resolution.

Our next stop was to speak with an Ethiopian Israeli who immigrated in the 80s. Lod is comprised mostly of Arab Israelis and Ethiopian Jewish immigrants both of which are poorer communities in Israel.

The story this woman told was heart rending in its sincerity and horrors. As a young girl she lived in Ethiopia with her family. When she was 15 there was a lot of talk about trouble in their community. Ethiopia at the time treated Jews similarly to the way Jews were treated in the Jewish Pale in Russia with Ghettos and frequent riots/abuses. She decided the solution was to walk from Ethiopia to Sudan where there was supposed to be a way into Israel, but her family wouldn't go with her so at school one day she and her best friend never came home and started walking towards the border of Sudan and Ethiopia.
The hardships she endured traveling through war torn Ethiopia and Sudan are too numerous to be told but along her journey she amassed a following of more than 30 people and as a 15 year old led them to Israel enduring starvation, deprivation, detention, capture and harrowing escapes.
It was crushing to listen to her translated tale and think that she did all of this at 15 years of age, but more than that, that she did all of this in the 1980s, a short time before I was born, tragedy too close to the present brought too us not through books or newspapers, stories or history, but through a woman who lived this life. A woman standing before us telling horrors in a pretty white dress and wedge sandals.
And when she finally reached Israel through all this pain and suffering, a miracle occurred, and the man who interviewed her and the other Ethiopian refugees turned out to be a distant relative who was heading to a family brisk that night and took her as a present to the family embracing her into their midst.
Her journey to this point had taken over a year and a half walking. Mine from America to Tel Aviv, took less than 12 hours.

In the places I would go in the next few weeks people would speak of Lod as the drug capital of Israel, a dangerous place where hubcaps where stolen, people were shot and riots and stoning between the Ethiopian Jews and the Arab Israeli population were common, but for me Lod will always be a place of duality. Where an Arab Muslim man will welcome us too his house, but where we are refused entrance to the Mosque courtyard because the women have not covered their hair; where ancient buildings lie fallow next to crumbling modern conveniences; where two communities live in hatred of each other and are hated by the outside world; and where I can see clearly the scared and cruel beauty this country possesses.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Observations on Tel Aviv

One of the most interesting things about Israel are the differences in laws, and the way laws are applied. For example J-walking. I've lived in New York for the past two years, J-walking is not only a necessity its a way of life. No one would ever get anywhere if they didn't regularly challenge the cars for supremacy. I myself have practiced my "stare down" in which not only do I J-walk but I stare down the driver while I do that making them doubly uncomfortable. I feel it works very well.
In Tel Aviv doing that will get you killed. Yes you can J-walk and yes I do, but beware cars will not stop for you. Drivers here aren't as bad as say the ones I saw in China, but they are not good. And the motorcycles zipping between them will get you every time. Add on to that the fact that the cops actually do give tickets for J-walking here, and its just not a good idea.
Another difference in laws between Israel and the US are the drinking laws. The official age of drinking is 18 but because some clubs don't want the soldiers, or the younger crowd (its mandatory to serve in the Israeli army) they restrict their patrons to 25 and above. In addition it is legal to drink in public here, on the street, in the park, on the beach wherever you are. Obviously we as American college students are taking advantage of this, but it is more interesting to consider the impact this has on Israeli culture.
The first Sabbath I was here I went for one of my usual walks at the Hayarkon park across the street and was surprised at the quantity of people and the atmosphere. Generally the park is full of people biking, walking dogs, running, walking and sitting but today there were huge groups clustered around picnic tables, barbecues, coolers and blankets. They were drinking, laughing and making merry. This was Tel Aviv's Sabbath.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


So I felt like giving a preview of the classes I'm taking here. Because we can sit in on classes somehow I ended up in 6 classes instead of 4 so I had to decide which to register for, but that has no bearing on which are the most enjoyable, so I'm still going to all 6 :D

1. The Production of Everydayness in Israel
Typical Gallatinesque class. I spend most of the time updating my blog and talking with the other people in the class on facebook chat. Still it could be an interesting class. We are talking about literature, music, culture in Israel and we take field trips. Would be better if the teacher wasn't so scatter brained.
We went to an alternative concert in the courtyard outside the art museum where we heard Hebrew slam poetry, an amazing drum concert that wrenched your heart into your throat and took you through the narrative story of Israel without ever saying a word, and this weird multimedia song/video/acid trip preformed by a guy with a blue beard and hair who looked cracked out. Later we went to his studio and tried not to sleep through his artistic bullshit. Still its good to know artists are crazy everywhere.

2. Arabic
What can I say, its Arabic. Our teacher is a bad ass named Avi who is amazingly racist/chauvinist/everything offending yet he doesn't offend. He is like a caricature of himself. The first time we met him he told us he had to go to his physical therapist (who's family we would later have Ramadan meal with) for an old knee wound from being in a terrorist attack when a bus was bombed. He survived by jumping out of the window and saw the bodies of people burning around him.

3. Conflict Resolution
Dates and numbers, so many wars in the short history of modern Israel. What more is there to say.

4. War Reporting
I LOVE THIS CLASS!!! The teacher, Sylvana Foa (spelling??) is this amazing women from the '60s who is one of the most famous war reporters in modern history, worked for the UN and married one of the richest men in Israel. She chain smokes, drinks like a fish and bakes us brownies that "don't have grass in them yet" She loves war and thinks its better than sex and wants to take us to the Ariel crossing into Gaza and a bombed out village near the wall. When 12 helicopters (2 black hawks) flew over her house in Jaffa, heading towards the south, when we were having class/lunch on her roof she wanted us to jump in a caravan and follow them. She intends to tear gas us at sometime during this class so that we will know what it feels like.

5. Israeli Cinema
Taught by Eton Fox one of the most famous Israeli directors of the past few decades it is the class where we are learning the most about Israeli culture and its progress. The movie we watched yesterday, Song of the Siren, his first full length movie, was the Israeli version of a "beach read" but it was just as concerned with war as it was with romance. Shows the difference between our opinions of romantic comedies.

6. Electoral Politics in Israel
Amazing class, probably our most informative and interesting class. Great teacher who has worked with a lot of important people. I'm excited for it.

Thats it :)

Poems of Israeli Formation

The Silver Platter

Natan Alterman

And the land grows still, the red eye of the sky slowly dimming over smoking frontiers

As the nation arises, Torn at heart but breathing, To receive its miracle, the only miracle

As the ceremony draws near, it will rise, standing erect in the moonlight in terror and joy

When across from it will step out a youth and a lass and slowly march toward the nation

Dressed in battle gear, dirty, Shoes heavy with grime, they ascend the path quietly

To change garb, to wipe their brow
They have not yet found time. Still bone weary from days and from nights in the field

Full of endless fatigue and unrested,
Yet the dew of their youth. Is still seen on their head

Thus they stand at attention, giving no sign of life or death

Then a nation in tears and amazement
will ask: "Who are you?"

And they will answer quietly, "We Are the silver platter on which the Jewish state was given."

Thus they will say and fall back in shadows
And the rest will be told In the chronicles of Israel

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Jaffa, Yafo, Yafa depending on who you are, is the city that Tel Aviv is build on. Originally it was not part of Jaffa but build some ways to the north of the old Arab port town famous for orange exportation from the surrounding farms. Eventually Tel Aviv grew from a suburb be take over Jaffa and in one of the uglier chapters of Israeli history expelled most Arabs from Jaffa during the war of liberation.
Tel Aviv literally broken apart means Tel = an archeological term for a man made hill created by building cities on top of cities so that when you cut into the ground you can see the cities piled history, and Aviv = Spring.

The drive to Jaffa is incredible. From our hostel on Hayarkon in the North of Tel Aviv it is a 15, 20 minute bus ride to Jaffa on a bluff in the south. As you move through the city the white bow house architecture (I know this because of an exhaustive lecture on architecture during orientation) morphs into a strip of, for lack of a better word, of destroyed slums so different from northern Tel Aviv. I should mention that Tel Aviv's real name in full is Tel Aviv-Yafo in an attempt to include Jaffa, but this strip of bombed out houses a remnant from the liberation war back in 1948 tells a different story. Why does this literal separation land, this barren ground reinforce the cultural separation present here??
Through the bombed land there is old Jaffa. It is a random collection of ancient structures and tiny streets, half bombed houses that have been either preserved or included in new uglier houses. To the far south there are building complexes of villas and mansions that attempt without success to mimic the feel of old Yafo interspersed with the actuality of old Yafo.
Our tour is hot, and wearying and ultimately satisfying as we sit on a grassy hill overlooking the old church, mosque, port and the ocean eating hummus, pita, falafel, fool, tahini and more off an old torn blanket sipping clean cool water. It is perhaps the most satisfying meal I remember because of the heat and hunger that preceded it.
Inside the winding streets an old market exists selling junk, and jewelry, bikes and dresses, movies, and tea sets and so much more. We joke it is the place where chachkas go to die. It is crowded, and smelly, at times pushy and frightening but so much a continuation of the culture that is steeped not only into the architecture but the minds of these people that you can not help but feel a connection to it however unwillingly.
Within a book store on the main square where the clock tower in the foreground is accompanied by the remnants of an old building that has clearly been bombed we took shelter for the sake of air conditioning. In the sudden cool our brains could again work and we browsed the English section attempting to look occupied. I accompany a friend to the counter while he buys War and Peace and the Israeli woman and I converse about where we are from as she practices English. Suddenly in the Arab Jaffa I am bonding with an Israeli woman over Twilight and scenes from Beauty and the Beast where the Beast gives Belle the giant library. We are not so different.
On the way to the hill where we would later have lunch we stopped into a shop with interesting hookahs and other chachkas. I am drawn to the back of the store where the new fronting merges with the old building behind it. There are voices coming from behind a grated arch and all of a sudden I realize I am seeing into a Mosque where men are praying on Ramadan. As I make this realization the shop keeper sees my prying and shoos me away from the opening. I move off to the side and turn my back and listen to the Arabic trying to make sense of what I was hearing.
On the bus ride back we pass through the burnt zone and again into Tel Aviv proper. The weight of history lessens only slightly. It is difficult to digest what we have seen. Later we will return to visit our teacher at her house in Jaffa, but already I knew that this place would have a special meaning for me in the future.

List of Tel Avivian things

So I'm just doing a random list of fun observations about Tel Aviv, completely frivolous :)

- Cats rock my world, they are everywhere and adorable and feral so stay away no matter how much you want to cuddle them :(
- Dogs are all off leash here, they are so well behaved and friendly and my new favorite Hebrew phrase is "Kelev Tov" = Good Dog
- Drinking is legal on the street here....but not allowed in our dorm....don't know how that makes sense
- Beaches are almost better at night when you can float in ridiculously warm water and look at the stars
- Israeli men = hot, but very forward
- There is a group of Israeli men known as "Arsime" literally Arse or Ass, comparable to the Guido, they have a female companion named the "Frecha" ....they all think American girls are easy prey. Its almost funny how hard they try :D
- Prejudice runs so deep here that I am beginning to think of relations between Israelis and Palestinians and even Israelis and Arab Israelis as something similar to American pre civil rights movement and integration
- everyone here smokes, and there are cafes a plenty here to aid in that pastime. It is def a cafe culture
- men on the beach see nothing wrong with skinny dipping/boxer briefs as a form of bathing suit
- hummus = amazing
- I played softball with members of the Israeli women's national softball team (story to come later)
- Iftar is the best meal ever and I love Arabic/Muslim culture more with every passing day as it becomes harder to reconcile my feelings with Israel with my feelings about what has been done in Palestine. There is so much wrong on both sides, I fear it will never be fixed.
- Israelis are the most straightforward blunt people in the world, once you get used to it it rocks
- drivers don't stop @ J walking...need to learn to stop doing that...
- it is soooooo hot here, it hasn't gotten under 80 @ night since we've been here and we've been swimming almost every day.
- we live near the Hayarkon river = toxic sludge surrounded by beautiful park (don't go swimming, you'll get cancer)
- in the park there is a "zoo" and by zoo I mean big cage with water, shade and some geography with at least 15 different species that should have never met each other let alone live in the same cage. They are fun to feed :) the Pygmy south American deer is adorable, the emus are mean, and mountain goats??? things that are goat like with bigggg horns are cute but they fight each other for dominance when we try to feed them. Guinea pigs like cuddling chickens.
It just occurred to me this cage is a microcosm of the Middle East....hmmm interesting....

לַיְלָה טוֹב Laila Tov

The day I arrived in Tel Aviv felt like night. I disembarked the plane with the usual shock and disorientation at the weather, time, and surroundings that is a natural part of travel. Flowing with the crowd I reclaimed my luggage (after what felt like 3 hours at the baggage claim) and headed for the exit. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to see the person that was picking me up, but as soon as I saw the crowd with their signs and the hugs of returning families and friends I felt like it didn't matter. I could have been lost in the airport and unable to get to Tel Aviv or where I needed to go, and it didn't matter because I was so elated to be in this new and exciting place. Luckily it didn't come to that and I spotted the trademark purple and white of NYU being held by a young guy with wildly curly hair and a slightly dazed look. The sign said "welcome שָׁלוֹם أهلا" in the three languages of the country.
The man with the sign turned out to be our RA Asaf who introduced himself as such with an avuncular bubbly manner that I would later come to realize characterizes Asaf. He led me over to some chairs taking my luggage in hand to my protests and introduced me to the two people sitting there. One I knew, Jeff, a friend from NYU, and another Becka, who looked vaguely familiar and we would later realize we took Hebrew together. We chatted pleasantly about our flights and experiences while Asaf returned to his post to wait for the next two arrivals, Annie and Jennifer.
It was only when we had all gathered and made it through the pleasantries and were out the door in the hot Israeli heat waiting in line for a taxi that I truly felt alone. Listening to Hebrew so swift I could only pick out a word or two at most, and unable to even tell a taxi driver where to go I felt the beginings of fear which I carefully stamped out during our cab ride to Tel Aviv.
Getting to my room and settled into this new living space went by in a blur of new names, faces and sights. I divested myself of my baggage glad to be rid of its weight and readied myself for the challenge of meeting new people. To my surprise and continuing joy the 17 people I have been blessed to have this experience with are some of the nicest, and most honestly friendly people anyone could hope to meet.
Our first night in Tel Aviv we walked the streets of our neighborhood taking in the heavy perfume of its night heat, and the smell of trees interspersed in every open plot. Feral cats by uncountable numbers slinked along our path on their own far more important missions. We made out way to a small bar a few blocks down at the intersection of Yehuda Maccabi and Ibn Gvirol and sweated together over bears and speech as we got to know each other and the country around us. Later this bar would become a favorite for shared smoothies in the quick afternoon break between classes, but at that moment all I knew was that I was sharing a wonderful place with truly wonderful people.
And so at the end of the night as we payed our bills and walked off into the dark I spoke my first Hebrew to our Israeli waitress, לַיְלָה טוֹב Laila Tov Good Night.

Not in Kansas anymore.

I first knew I wasn't in Kansas (PA) anymore when I got to the terminal on my way to Israel. I had said goodbye to my parents, and walked through security a little ways back and was looking around for my terminal. It should have been #17 but where it was supposed to be there was just a wall. Suddenly it felt a little like I was Harry Potter at Kings Crossing station looking for #9 3/4 on my way to Hogwarts. Was I supposed to run at the wall with my backpack, and trust fate (and if so where was my owl)??
Eventually I figured it out by following the Jews, and yes I could tell they were Jewish by how they looked. (Its just a Jewish thing) So I followed them to the side of the wall where there was another security check hidden. A little scary, but I figured it was just extra safety precautions right? ...Sure.
Well I got into the waiting area and tried to sit down to read, but my book couldn't hold a candle to the people. Even after living in New York for two years this was the most Jews I had seen in one place, and all different types. Women with their hair covered, skirts down to their ankles and adorable babies cooing at you, young men with baggy clothing and yamakas, young girls with airy black skirts under their knees and tight shirts that showed their shapes but covered them from elbow to shoulder. It felt like I was at a family gathering with just a few too many of the extended family to be really comfortable, and when a Minion of boys and men formed up praying in the center all I could do was sit back and watch.
I hadn't even left US soil and already I felt like I was in Israel.

The Begining

So to everyone that reads this I intend this blog to encompass my thoughts and experiences while I am staying in Israel for the next four months. Please feel free to comment, and contradict me with your own experiences and thoughts, and know that I intend no harm by this account.
